IP for entrepreneurs, startups and early stage businesses

Intellectual Property protection for startups – it’s a catch 22 situation. You don’t want to spend limited resources on obtaining IP protection until your product or service has been tested as a marketable offering. We understand. However, you’ve worked so hard to get where you are, developing a concept and perhaps even a business model, why let others copy what you’ve done and use it for themselves?

We appreciate the pressures you’re under – and we’re here to help. We can ensure you obtain robust IP protection – within your budget.

You can read more about why IP matters and the flexible support that we can offer your business here.

Click here for a list of useful links with information on IP for startup and emerging businesses.

If you would like more information, please phone us and ask to speak to one of our startup specialists or email and we will respond.

For more information about our costs and procedures download ‘Comparing us with other firms’  or contact info@barkerbrettell.co.uk

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