In the pink

For the third year running we participated in the Pink Friday campaign to show our support for Breast Cancer Care. This year, as well as searching through our wardrobes for pink garments and accessories to wear on the day, we held a Name the Bear competition, Pick a Cake and a Barker Brettell quiz.  We raised over £300.  We had a number of people who also took part in Race for Life, earlier this year, where we raised over £1,000.

Cilla Makovski – Managing Partner said:

“We are delighted to get involved in fund-raising campaigns for such deserving causes.  It’s a really enjoyable way of raising money, and I’d like to thank everyone who contributed and made the Pink Friday event such a success.”

Pix: L-R – Jeannette Cooke (sitting down); Rebecca Beswick; Jane Cureton; Nikita Libbert
