How tax advisers and patent attorneys can help each other to take patent box to clients

The May 2013 edition of the CIPA Journal carried an article entitled “How tax advisers and patent attorneys can help each other to take patent box to clients”.

As the article explains, tax advisers may be able to help patent attorneys introduce the patent box regime to clients, and vice versa.  This may be of particular benefit to SMEs, who, if their use of R&D tax credits is anything to go by, may be relatively slow to take advantage of the patent box.

Nick Braddon co-authored the article with Peter Jelfs, a tax manager at Mazars LLP who specialises in R&D tax relief and the new patent box regime. 

A complementary article by Nick and Peter, “Time to find a patent attorney?”, which appeared in the April 2013 edition of Tax Adviser magazine, sought to introduce patent attorneys (what we do and where to find us) to tax advisers.

If you’re a tax adviser and you feel with the introduction of patent box that you or your clients would benefit from talking to a patent attorney, please get in touch.
