Barker Brettell named as ‘Chemical Patents Law Firm of the Year in England’

We are pleased to announce that we have been awarded the title of ‘Chemical Patents Law Firm of the Year in England’

The award comes at a time of strong growth for our Life Sciences and Chemistry team and paves the way for further recognition and success in the future.  

John Lawrence, Senior Partner, commented:

“The team – ten strong – has a wealth of expertise in a broad range of chemical, biochemical and biological technologies.  One of our partners is part of the Life Sciences Committee of the Chartered Institute of Patent Agents, which allows our expert team to keep abreast of the issues in this fast-moving field while providing the best possible service to our clients. Others have worked in-house at large chemical and pharma companies and know the real practices of the industrial giants in these areas.” 

More information on our Life Sciences and Chemistry team can be found in the group profile on our website.
