Barker Brettell attorney contributes to CV clinic feature in Materials World magazine

Our Nick Braddon recently contributed a tip to a CV clinic feature in the Materials World magazine.  The CV clinic was one of several features designed to help scientists and engineers perfect their CVs and covering letters to maximise their chances of being invited for a job interview.

Nick’s advice was: “One of the best things I ever did when job-hunting was to get my CV onto one page – without making the text too small to read – and to keep my cover letters less than one page long. If your CV and cover letter are any longer than this, then the person sifting through job applications could switch off before reaching the end.”

If you are a scientist or engineer considering a career as a patent attorney, there is lots of useful information on the Inside Careers website.  You can even find out what life is like as a trainee patent attorney at Barker Brettell.

If you would like to join Barker Brettell, please get in touch.  We are always interested in hearing from talented and motivated scientists and engineers with strong communication skills who are looking for a career as a patent attorney, as well as from those who are already part-qualified or fully qualified as a patent attorney.  Details of current job opportunities at Barker Brettell can be found here.

Materials World is the member’s magazine of The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining.
